Stan Romanek

Stan Romanek


With one of the most well documented cases of UFO sightings and alien abductions, Stan Romanek has been having UFO sightings since the age of 5. After a UFO encounter in December of 2000, of which he videotaped, his life has been a living nightmare.


Past Shows:

  • Drones, Spheres & the Mars Lander

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented reports on 'dragonfly' drone sightings, a pearl-colored sphere retrieved in Alabama, the Mars Phoenix Lander, and a new cattle mutilation case. The new Mars mission isn't intended to determine if microbes exist in the soil,...More »
  • Haunted by UFOs

    "I could actually feel the vibration in my shirt," Stan Romanek said of a sonic boom he experienced when a UFO he was videotaping suddenly accelerated. The craft was spinning and metallic, with segmented spheres on the bottom said Romanek, who was the guest this past Monday...More »
  • Stan Romanek / Neil Slade

    Stan has some amazing UFO footage to be discussed.Neil teaches people how to easily release theirbrain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity,intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previouslyat the Dormant Brain Research and...More »