Mark Phillips

Mark Phillips


Mark Phillips is a former DoD subcontractor working as an aviation executive who also worked within, among US government Top Secret projects, a mind control research effort known now as MK-Ultra. In 1988 while heading up a joint venture project manufacturing large capacitor systems with China was informed by the Chinese military official's that his US based partner was involved with money laundering, drug distribution and child/adult prostitution and pornography. That was how he met and rescued mind control victims Cathy O'Brien and her then 8 year old daughter. Cathy did not know her name or how old she was at that turning point in her life.



Past Shows:

  • Government Mind Control

    George Knapp was joined by former mind-control victim Cathy O'Brien along with Mark Phillips, the former government employee who deprogrammed her. Together, they discussed her amazing story of surviving the MK Ultra program. O'Brien said that during her time in the program...More »