David Oreck

David Oreck


David Oreck founded the Oreck Corporation in 1963. Best known for creating the Oreck vacum, David also pioneered the introduction of both black and white and color television in New York as well as played an important role in the introduction of automatic washers and microwave ovens. David is a Harley Davidson enthusiast as well as a commercial pilot; he currently owns and flies seven different planes including a vintage Waco Open Cockpit airplane and a Navy Warbird T-34. He is the recipient of countless national advertising and marketing awards including the American Marketing Association's "Marketer of the Year" award in 2003 and was named both the U.S. National Finalist and the Louisiana Entrepreneur of the Year.

Past Shows:

  • Watchers, Aliens & Hallucinogens

    Expert in ancient manuscripts Glenn Kimball intertwined such topics as alien visitation, the Watchers, DNA, and hallucinogenic experiences.More »