Lee Elders

Lee Elders


Lee Elders was destined to be an investigator/adventurer. Born in a railroad house in Bowie, Arizona and later raised on the Apache reservation near San Carlos where his pet was a coyote and his mentor an Apache medicine man who helped forge his resolve during his expeditions in Ecuador. Lee has an extensive background in investigations including Intercep, his company that specializes in computer security and electronic-counter-measures. An author and documentary filmmaker, Lee and his wife Brit have traveled the world exploring the unknown.



Past Shows:

  • Amazon Treasures & Shamans

    Joining George Knapp, researcher and author Lee Elders discussed his hunt for treasure in the mid-1960s in the Ecuadoran Amazon, and his encounters with local shamans. It has long been reported that there were a lot of Incan treasures buried in caves and other places during the...More »