Galeeshea Mikael

Galeeshea Mikael


Galeeshea Mikael has a B.S.B.A. degree in Marketing. She is a Rehabilitation Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, and Galactic Healer. She is the owner of The Healing Connection, owner of Jasarah Essences and co-teacher of The Diamond Galaxy Workshop with Raheem. She is also a storyteller and has just written a children's book called Wally, The Flying Whale.


Past Shows:

  • Fear of Sleeping

    During Open Lines George offered a 'somniphobia' hotline for callers who fear going to bed or falling asleep.More »

Last Night

Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Billy Carson, founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, explored the concept of the universe as a fractal hologram. Followed by filmmaker Kym Staton who discussed the Julian Assange story and "The Trust Fall: Julian Assange" documentary.


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